Family Friendly Mornings with Jim & Lynette on PRAISE 106.5

Family Friendly Mornings with Jim & Lynette on PRAISE 106.5
We LOVE spending our Mornings with YOU everyday!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Where's Lynette?

Lynette's been under the weather and is still hoping to get away for a long weekend too. Hmmmm, sounds a little suspicious to you? Hopefully she'll be back to feeling herself soon.
Lawn mowers are making noise all over my neiborhood and maybe yours too. I was really hoping to make it to the 15th before I mow. I'm not sure i'm gonna make it.

1 comment:

Giovani said...

Guys Congratulation!
I'm from Bazil, and here you guys are so much known, We listen to you Morning show every day.
It's a please wake up and listen to you on 106.5, because when we are in bad days and put you on in the internet, that make make so happy.
Tks for been a blessing for our lives!

Giovani Mendes